Posts Tagged ‘Startup Tips’

Services You Probably Didn’t Know Your Business Needed

When it comes to running a business, there are some services that are seen as essential. The issue here is that there are some that are left off this list when they are just as important as the ones everyone knows about. For this reason, we have written this article to give you a good idea about some of the services that you probably didn’t know your business needed. This way, you can implement them in your business model as soon as possible, and save yourself a lot of trouble down the line. If you are interested in learning more about these services, keep reading down below.


Refine Your Business Meeting Space

Most offices will have within them a space to meet. This is where your staff might congregate to discuss a client brief. It’s where you might lure investors to speak to them about the possibilities of your firm. It might be where HR meetings take place, prior to an important disciplinary. You might interview staff in here. You might present findings here. In some offices, multiple meeting rooms like this are utilized.


Marketing Reaches New Heights

You’ve bitten the bullet and are about to embark on what might be your first trade show. If you’re having second thoughts, don’t. These shows, or exhibitions, are a fantastic vehicle for showcasing your business and speaking directly to your customers in person. Sure, there is a lot of hard work involved, not to mention some financial investment needed.  Despite that, it’s well worth getting involved in the right show.


Corporate Hospitality: The Secret Weapon In Startup Marketing

It’s easy to dismiss corporate hospitality if you’re a startup. After all, it’s been around for a while, and if you Google “startup marketing” you’re far more likely to come up with cutting edge online marketing techniques to set you apart from the competition. But for that same reason, don’t overlook corporate hospitality. It’s likely your immediate competitors are ignoring it and you could have the edge.

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New Vs Existing Customers

We see so much about how to acquire a new customer to your business. It’s natural for startups to want that growth. But did you know that it costs 5 times as much to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one (source:  What’s more, existing customers will spend more money with you, and are 50% more likely to try new products.

Existing customers are also the ones you’re going to relying on as a business to provide recommendations, testimonials and case studies. So don’t underestimate the value you should place on them, or what lengths you should go to when it comes to keeping these customers happy.

Corporate Hospitality – Building A Stronger Relationship With Your Client

And that’s where corporate hospitality becomes so important for a new startup. It’s all about building strong bonds, and to do that, you have to get outside the office environment and into a more relaxed, natural setting.

Imagine pitching your next big project. You’re in a meeting room, presentation at the ready. Before you even stand up to begin your introduction, your client sits there opposite, arms folded. Now imagine stepping outside, into another enviornment. Silverstone, maybe, for the Formula 1. Or Wimbledon. Now you aren’t pitching. Now it’s small talk. You’re chatting. You’re sharing ideas. Visions. You’re no longer selling. You’re simply bonding with your customer.

Simple Steps To Picking The Perfect Hospitality Event

The biggest problem for a lot of busy startups is finding the time to pick the perfect hospitality event. So if you are considering hospitality, go with a specialist corporate hospitality company such as Sheeredge who have the experience and background in finding the perfect event and venue for you and your customer. They have access to venues, catering and sports events that you might not have thought about, or VIP tickets that might be hard to come by if you’re new to that type of event (particular sport and music).

Entice your customer with exclusive, VIP events that are difficult to say no to

When it comes to agreeing on an event, think about what your customer might like, and what will reflect well on your business and your brand. Are you a young, fun, vibrant company? Or are you in a more conservative, traditional industry? Those factors are important when picking the venue, dining options and event type. Similarly, think about location. If you’re in a city with a famous venue, and your client is from elsewhere, then that can be a great way to impress a client.

It doesn’t have to be the obvious VIP tickets to a big sports game. Sheeredge also do interesting alternatives like team building activities.

Once At The Event, Don’t Be Salesy

Finally, take the time to enjoy it! Remember, this isn’t about hard selling and pitching. This is about forming a strong, long-lasting bond with your customer. It’s all about that hugely valuable relationship.

If you do have a new product or service, don’t sell it, but simply talk about your future vision and your ideas for your company. Show your passion for it, and the business will sell itself.

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Virtual Business: How to Manage it Efficiently

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It’s going to be easy to recruit skilled employees as well since they can work from anywhere in the world, first of all, and you can easily get it organised as long as you have your systems in order.


Better Safe Than Sorry: 3 Types Of Business Insurances

From the first day of your small business being open, you will run into many difficulties. Many of these challenges can be overcome with hard work and determination. You are green in a sense and knowledge to the finer details is not yet known. This is why you should plan on being safe than sorry for if and when you encounter a serious legal challenge. It’s not easier than ever to sue a business for even something that would have been considered minor and unwinnable in court just a couple of decades ago. Thankfully, there are several options that entrepreneurs and small business owners have at their disposal.


Health and Safety – Are You Taking It Seriously Enough?

Health and safety. It’s one of those areas that your business just has to engage with. At the end of the day, as soon as your business comes into contact with anyone, or the moment anyone engages with your business, you become partially or wholly responsible for that individual’s health and safety. Why? Well, as a small business owner, you need to ensure that the space they are engaging with your business within is safe and, if you employ the person, you need to ensure that they are sufficiently trained to carry out the tasks expected of them safely.


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