Posts Tagged ‘Strategy’

Common Networking Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

No matter what stage in your career you are at, marketing is pivotal. No matter whether you are starting your first online business or your company has been up and running for several years now, you need to make the most of all leads that present themselves. The Internet has changed the face of networking. If you are to master this important art and take your online business to the next level, you need to make sure you avoid the common mistakes that a lot of people make, which are covered in further detail below…

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(Guest post) The Latest Trends In Digital Marketing

trends digital marketing

Every day, more and more shoppers turn to the online world, eager to snag the best deals and steals. Traditional media has begun to fade into the background. Today, companies are pivoting towards digital tools to craft their marketing strategies. It’s clear: the realms of media and marketing have undergone profound shifts. And it’s set the stage for the unstoppable rise of digital marketing. Dive in with us to explore the latest trends in digital marketing today.


Top Tips For Staying Focused On Your New Business

top tips for staying focused on your new business

If you’re an entrepreneur, let me ask you a question, and it relates to how good you are at staying focused on your business:

What have you achieved today – just today – in your business?

It seems like an innocent question. If entrepreneurs have one thing in common, it’s that we’re dedicated to our cause, so I’m sure your day has been filled with a variety of business tasks.

But working on your business, and achieving something with your business, are two different things. That’s a lesson I learned the hard way, and it’s one I want to share with you in this post.

Is This Habit Actually Sabotaging Your Business Success?

business success

I’m not one to typically write about ‘soft’ topics like emotions. But this post is close to my heart because it’s something I have struggled with. And I know from speaking to customers and from speaking to associates that it is far more common that people realize, even if we don’t want to admit to it. It is the feeling of being overwhelmed. I want to talk about what it feels like to be overwhelmed at the start of your business journey, why it can be so damaging to your business success, and what you can do about it.

Rapidly Growing Your New Online Business: Free Planning Template

new online business

Running a new online business can seem overwhelming at times. As an entrepreneur, you wear many different hats. So it’s easy to get distracted from task to task. When that happens, chances are that you aren’t pushing your business forward as much as you could be.

So how do you stay focused? Well, one of the best things you can do for your business from the very outset is to have a clear plan ahead. Here, I’ll share with you the strategy that has been working brilliantly for me in my business, and I’ll also give you my own template I use to write and plan out my goals (scroll to the end for that).  (more…)

Entrepreneurs: Do This One Task Today To Help Your Business Succeed

business succeed

One of the best things you can do to help your business succeed is to form a network online with other business women. I’m part of one, and it’s probably helped to grow my business more than anything else. On top of that, having peers to talk to about your fears, hopes and dreams is something that is invaluable during moments in your business where things do seem difficult or challenging.


Here’s An Easy Competitive Advantage That Most Startups Miss

competitive advantage

When thinking about competitive advantage, perhaps something as corporate sounding as pre-sales doesn’t come to mind. But excellent pre-sellling is vital to master for your business, and here’s why:

Most service businesses do it badly

So think of pre-sales this way. If you can master customer excellence, you immediately have a competitive advantage.

But what makes a great customer experience during the pre-sales phase? Here’s a guide to the most important factors you need to consider:


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