Archive of ‘Blog’ category

Must-read tips on choosing the right software for your business

In the current day and age, almost all businesses use software in some way or another. If you don’t, it is likely that you are missing out on the opportunity to run your business more efficiently and intelligently. From order management software to customer relationship management platforms, there are so many different types of software available today for companies to make the most of. It doesn’t matter what software you are looking for, you need to choose with care. Below, we take a look at the different factors you should consider to ensure you choose the correct software for your company.


Why Working Online Can Ensure Career Flexibilty In Your Future

Has there ever been a better time to take your career online? In today’s digital environment, Taking your skills, services, and products online can help you reach a worldwide audience that generations before could only dream of. It’s no surprise that so many of us now choose to start our career working online. It’s an amazing opportunity to secure a great income well into the future years ahead.

Working from a laptop gives this generation of freelancers. contractors, and employees the flexibility to be location-independent in their career. They might need to work from home some of the days in the week, fit their job around other commitments like childcare, or work on a freelance basis due to their time and lifestyle.

If you’ve started out in a digital field of any kind, or want to further your online prospects; it’s worth exploring your options. Here’s what you need to consider before taking that leap and working remotely.


5 Ways To Go Greener With Your Business

When it comes to environmental concerns, good corporate social responsibility is a must these days. No longer just ‘greenwash’, having solid policies and practices in place around sustainability is just good business sense. Not only can going greener lower operational costs and increase your businesses’ profit margin, it can also win you a great reputation and more trade with clients, boost staff morale and make you a more attractive employer to the brightest and best talent.


Mad Money: 5 Savvy Ways Small Business Can Cut Costs

Guess what? Throwing your money around like a millionaire with an endless supply is a bad idea when you are in business. In fact, some would say it was madness, as not only does it make you seem kind of stupid, but it will also run your company into the ground quicker than you can say ‘bankruptcy!’ Luckily, there are plenty of savvy ways smart business owners can cut costs, just keep reading to find out what they are.


Creating Product Descriptions That Sell

When you begin to get your business off the ground and you start thinking about creating a website for your products, one of the tasks you need to do is create product descriptions to sell you items. If you have never made a product description before it can be hard to know where to start and how to word things, but don’t fret, because today we will give you a run down on our top tips for product descriptions that sell!


From Little Business to Large Business in a Year: It Can Be Done

Your small business has been doing exceptionally well for the past few years; it has exceeded all of your expectations and has grown into an entity once could have only dreamed of. You have built up a loyal band of clients and customers, who are always willing to part with their money to gain your products or services. Recently, you have been thinking about how far your small business could actually go and whether expanding would be a good idea all round. You had always imagined yourself as a small business owner for life, rather than branching out and being a household name. Although you realise every business has to start somewhere, you never imagined you’d be making such plans so soon. Becoming a large business is the next item on your to-do list and realise there are many elements to this.


Purchasing Premises: Three Things to Consider When Buying Commercial Property

Just like buying a home can save you on wasting money on rent and can improve your financial position, the same is true when it comes to premises for your business. Most companies start off renting which makes good sense, but if you’re doing well, turning a profit and plan on being in it for the long haul then it’s well worth looking to buy. Just like when you’re buying a property to live in, there are certain things to bear in mind when it comes to buying for your business. Here are a few things to consider to ensure you get it right.


The Magic Of Morale: Simple Ways To Get More Out Of Your Team

team morale

In business, solo successes are rare. The magnates and gurus you see fronting investment-themed TV shows and doling out pearls of wisdom in interviews on morning radio haven’t got to where they are without the help of others. Most business owners rely on a team of people to get by. If you run a company, and you’re keen to get the best out of your team, it’s wise to understand the importance of team morale.

Morale has a massive impact on productivity in a startup. The sort of “creative genius” thinking you need from your staff is what will propel your business forward. If you feel like your employees could achieve more, here are some simple strategies to take on board.


Refreshing Marketing With Smart Ideas

Marketing can be a difficult job to keep up for a long stretch of time. When you first enter the marketing scene there will be so many great ideas swirling in your mind and it can be truly amazing to be able to see your ideas coming to life on paper or online. However,the more of your great ideas that you use up, the less great ideas you have going forward, and this can lead to you feeling inadequate and unfit to make creative decisions. However, there are a few ways to inject some life into your marketing strategy this year which will allow you to really shine once more.


Small Ways To Motivate Your Employees

Looking for a way to motivate your employees? Whilst you can offer big incentives such as bonuses and company cars, the smallest incentives can often be just as effective (and a lot less expensive). Here are just a few small and easy motivation tactics to spur your employees on.

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