Archive of ‘Blog’ category

6 Ways to Finance Your New Business Venture

You may have decided that starting a new business is the right thing for you. You want more freedom and you want to make money for yourself and your family rather than some big boss man, but you have one problem; you need to be able to finance your move from being an employee to being your own boss.


You’ve Got To Have Faith, But Do Your Customers?

If you’re used to working in the corporate world, the chances are that you’ve typically operated within well-trusted and well-liked companies. Unfortunately, as you may be learning the hard way within your startup, these trust levels aren’t a given. In fact, much like profits and longevity, consumer trust can be incredibly hard to come by.


Marketing Strategy Improvements Your Business Should Make In 2021

Every business owner has one thing in mind – finding ways and opportunities to make their businesses grow. But with about 45% of businesses failing within their first five years of operation, growing a business is easier said than done. Besides, if the previous year was anything to go by, several companies may be left behind if they do not find ways to up their marketing game. Plus, the business field has become even more competitive this year than it ever used to be. So, are you still relying on old marketing methods of previous years? Don’t get left behind. Step up your marketing strategy for 2021 with the following tips.


Is A Street Food Business A Profitable Venture?

If you are eager to start your own business this year and you want to combine your love of food with your entrepreneurial spirit, you might be considering a street food business. Street food is on-trend, with more people than ever eager for authentic food with a rustic edge. You need to understand recipes and be able to cook from your own heritage. If you have gastronomic flair and you want to feed the masses, think about purchasing a street food truck and attending some local events to show off your grub. Follow this guide and make your street food idea a profitable venture.


Looking Back: The 2020 Contingency Effect

When we look back not-so-fondly at the year 2020, we as business owners and professionals have two words to say. Contingency plan! Wow, did we all get taken by storm? The pandemic and the subsequent lockdown really showed us what we all feared could actually happen. Total economic catastrophe whereby everything we did, everything, we put on hold. It was like an apocalypse scenario, being played out for real! But what on earth is a contingency plan? There is more than one. So we believe we should look at what this type of planning means, what it allows us to accomplish and how we should treat it more seriously.


Reasons That Starting Your Own Business Is The Best Thing You Will Ever Do

If you are looking to start your own business, or begin a new company, it can be a daunting prospect. Yet the important thing to remember is that even if the business doesn’t do as well as you would hope, or if it is a total flop, you will have picked up some of the most valuable experiences of your life along the way. Hopefully, your business will be a huge success and you can do this full time as your main source of income. If you are deliberating whether or not to action your business plan, these are a few points that you need to consider and why starting your own business will be the best thing you ever do…


The Changing World Of Work

There is no doubt that the world of work is constantly changing. Of course, this will always happen at varying degrees at different times, as industries adapt to changing circumstances in the wider world. The events of the past twelve months, in particular, have shown us some of the most prevalent changes that are taking place in the world of work right now, while also speeding some of those changes up.


How Your Website Can Help You Gain Leads

There are a lot of great things about having a website when you run a business, and it is definitely one of the most important things that you need to do if you want your business to be a true success. One of the primary functions of any business website is for it to act as a kind of lead generation device and service. But in order to make that happen, you need to ensure that your website is functioning as well as it can – and you need to know how exactly your website can help you gain leads in the first place. Let’s take a look at how that might happen.


5 Ways To Increase Manufacturing Productivity

Time is money and the more you can produce in a short period of time, the more money you make. Productivity in manufacturing is important, and if you are having issues with making improvements to your productivity in your staff, you’re going to need to start increasing the output. You can do this without sacrificing the quality of what you’re doing, and you can add better quality to the way that you work, too.


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