3 Ways to Improve your Site’s Ranking

When you have a website, it can be an overwhelming process of uploading content that people want to read. Sometimes we forget to research methods to build your website so it ranks well on search engines. The higher you rank will impact the amount of visits you will have to your site which will generate a positive look on your sales.

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Upgrade your onpage SEO

There are many ways to upgrade your onpage SEO to improve the ranking of your website. Including a meta description on all your pages, blog posts and photos as this will give the search engines an insight to exactly what each page is about. Without them, your website will be a struggle to find when potential customers search your keywords.

Take a look at your website speed. This is how fast each page will load when someone clicks on it and if it is slow then it can be a good time to upgrade certain widgets to allow them to load quicker. Potential customers can be put off waiting for your site to load if it takes too long, so it will lose you business and sales.

Upload interesting content

The ideal situation is to have a website where people come to receive a service or receive information. Have it as their first port of call will ensure that your site builds a database of regular customers who visit regularly. Uploading interesting content will keep people coming for more, including a short, catchy title as well as headings that include your keywords. Add photos and other imagery will break up the text and keep your site interesting while adding an ALT description so that search engines can understand what the image is about.

Although you want to keep the flow of your writing natural, adding links seamlessly into your text will make it readable to search engines. Remember that the site is made for the users’ experience, not for search engines, that’s why writing great content will always be a priority. Uploading to your website constantly will make your site look like it is a key part of the internet with the latest information. Search engines notice this and will help to ensure that your site is read further afield.

Ensure that your links are worthy

Having links throughout your website is one of the most vital parts of your website. It shows that you are a valuable site to have so search engines will rank you higher. Instead of linking to a quote such as ‘click here’, insert a link onto keywords as it improves optimisation. In addition, linking keywords will make it a lot easier for your readers to find key information. Avoid linking to words such as ‘find it out here’ and ‘click here’ because it is hard to be optimised and will lower your ranking. Improving your links on your whole website will make it easier for every type of reader including people who have disabilities or people who use screen readers.

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