Posts Tagged ‘Startup Tips’

How Your Website Can Help You Gain Leads

There are a lot of great things about having a website when you run a business, and it is definitely one of the most important things that you need to do if you want your business to be a true success. One of the primary functions of any business website is for it to act as a kind of lead generation device and service. But in order to make that happen, you need to ensure that your website is functioning as well as it can – and you need to know how exactly your website can help you gain leads in the first place. Let’s take a look at how that might happen.


Post Pandemic Business Growth Strategies

When we reflect on this period of human history we will talk about the demarcation between pre and post-pandemic cultures. This is the case in business as well as general interest. The pandemic has created a unique set of challenges for businesses that cannot be understated. However, with every challenge there is an opportunity, and now is the time to develop and grow in the right direction.


Three Things You Should Check Before You Hire An Employee

As a business owner, it’s going to be your job to hire employees every now and then when you need them. There is nothing that you can do to avoid this, but you want to try and get it right the first time. If you don’t, then you go through all the training and advertising only to work out this person isn’t for your company and then you’ve got to repeat the process all day.


Pros & Cons Of Renting Your Business Premises

What’s one of the first things you think about when starting a business? Where will you operate? Where is your business going to be located, which then leads you to another question on how you will obtain the premises. If you work from home, this isn’t an issue for you. But, anyone that works out of an office, store, warehouse – you name it – will need to consider if you should buy or rent your premises.


Spreading The Word About Your Brand In 2 Simple Steps

Starting your own brand can be such a rewarding endeavour, but it’s fair to say that a whole load of time and energy is required to turn your business dreams into a reality. Watching all of this hard work go to waste when your company fails to attract sufficient customers can be a real disappointment, as you need to break even at best just to be able to push on for another year.


Your Guide To Opening A Covid-Safe Office

Our working lives have changed forever in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, whether we like it or not. What we once thought was a minor issue that would blow over in a matter of weeks, is now a reality that we will carry with us for years. Despite this seemingly bleak state of affairs, workplaces have all found innovative ways to react to COVID-19.


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