7 Ways To Crush Your Next Recruitment Drive

In business, you’re always going to want to make sure that you have the best possible tools at your disposal. One of which will always be your team. Because the people you have around you really matter. If you want your business to become the best it can be, then your team needs to be the very best that they can be. While there are several factors that go into making that happen, you quite often need the best possible candidates in the first place. And this can be tough. Because recruiting isn’t always that easy to get the hang of. Instead, it can sometimes take a lot of trial and error to see what is actually going to work out best for you.

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Now, one of the things that could actually work out as being a success for you is a recruitment drive. And a proper one that has a campaign, a strategy, and that allows you to reach a budding pool of prospects too. But when you’re looking to do something like this, you really need to be able to set things up right to get the best results. And if you’ve never done a recruitment drive at all before, then you may find this process incredibly daunting. So let’s take a look at what you can do to nail this.

Set A Goal

First of all, before you do anything, contact anyone, or try to come up with any ideas, you need to have a goal. Because you’re not just throwing this event for fun. You’re doing it for a reason. And this means that you can clearly identify what you want to get out of doing this, so that you can put the actionable steps in place to make it happen.

Create A Campaign

Next, to go along with that, you need a campaign that is going to help you to get the recruitment event off of the ground. Here, you will need to make sure that you have a smart strategy that you can then use to execute this event and work on achieving those goals. So really sit down and come up with how you’re going to market this, and how you’re going to get the right people to attend.

Find A Venue

But first of all, you need to know where it’s going to be! So think about your ideal venue and the location and the facilities you need for this event. Then take a look at the venues in the area that can accommodate your needs.

Get Your Collateral Together

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you have the equipment and marketing collateral that you need for the day. And this could be just a couple of leaflets. Or it could be a stand, a pull up banner, data capture technology, and more. It could even be a range of computers and desks for your candidates. So make sure that you know what you’re planning on doing, and what you need to do it.

Decide Who To Target

When you’ve got your marketing materials together, you’re going to want to work on getting the attendees to the event. So how are you going to invite them? How are you going to get their attention? Make sure that you’re targeting both online and offline in order to get a good mix of people there.

Create An Agenda

Next, you should think about creating an agenda for how the day is going to go. Now, depending on the kind of recruitment event that you want to have, this can vary. But, if you are hosting a day where you want a series of events to take place, you need to work out what will happen and when. And what experts you need to attend. And what equipment you need. So make sure that this is something you work out early on.

Set Your Tasks & How To Measure Them

But then also, if you want to set tasks then you need to figure out what you’re going to do at the event. Do you want to ask candidates questions? Do you want to get them to do tests or to play games or anything else? Do you know what you want to get out of the day and how you want to get to know some of the attendees and potential candidates a little more? Here, you’ll want to figure out what your measurement factors are, so that you’re able to make a call on the people you’re assessing.

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4 Comments on 7 Ways To Crush Your Next Recruitment Drive

  1. Scott P.
    August 23, 2019 at 7:56 am (5 years ago)

    These are helpful tips. For whatever field or purpose it may be, setting an objective is really essential. Thank you very much for sharing your ideas.

  2. Nextaff
    December 18, 2019 at 3:37 am (5 years ago)

    These ideas are great, a lot of recruiters don’t have a plan or agenda in recruiting. Everything in this post can be use in an event so better take a note of those points. Thank you.

  3. Scott
    January 23, 2020 at 2:08 am (5 years ago)

    Recruiting from college campuses can help you discover upcoming talent for your industry, while also aligning your company with internship opportunities and campus connections.

  4. Humanology Recruitment
    October 13, 2020 at 2:44 am (4 years ago)

    Everything starts with setting you goals. List them up and work a good strategy in meeting them one by one. Amazing tips you share and will definitely come back for more updates from this blog!


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