How To Handle Criticism Of Your New Online Business

Be honest. You hate getting criticized. Of course you do. It’s human nature. None of us like to be critiqued, and we definitely don’t like to admit we are wrong (just ask my husband 🙂 ). But as an entrepreneur, learning how to handle criticism is one of the best things you can do for your business.

Because the truth is, you won’t get your business right the first time you launch it. You’ll think you got it right. You’ll launch it and you’ll feel a burst of pride in your new baby. All your time, stress and hard work will have grown something that you are truly proud of, so its inconceivable that other people just might not like it as much as you.

When You Start Getting Questioned About Your Business

Here you are, admiring your new creation with pride, But then it starts. First, you hear the murmurs. Next, you get the questions.

if you're struggling to handle criticism of your new online business, this post will give you some suggestions as to how you can turn that into a positive and actually allow it to help your business, entrepreneur, tips

Do you sell xyz? (Of course I don’t sell that. How could they even think I sell that?)

Have you thought about doing this instead? (Why? What’s wrong with the way I’m already doing it?!)

I couldn’t find xyz on your website (doh! It’s easy. You just click this button. And this button. And this button. Next, click there. And…..oh, wait….)

Two Options To Deal With Critics

As an entrepreneur, you really have two ways you can deal with criticism. You can ignore it, and silently tut at your critics for the fact they just don’t get it. Or you can listen to them. You can adapt, morph, change, grow, and thrive.

Guess which option is going to be better for you business in the long run?

I was faced with that choice when I started an online gift business. I’d had fantastic feedback off customers and they love the concept. But I did find one or two niggles cropping up again and again in the feedback I received. The search was confusing, and the mouse-over action on the products was confusing.

So I swallowed my pride and I changed things. It took months of work but we got there, and the site went live.

Despite the hassle over changing something I’d lovingly poured my heart and soul into, I’m glad I altered it. Admittedly, I didn’t love the criticism, but I did listen to my customers. And if you want your business to succeed, you do need to learn to listen to customers.

How To Get Your Website Reviewed By Professionals

Finally, before I sign off, let me give you a recommendation. If you are currently struggling with criticism about your website, seek out the help of an independent expert instead.

Something I personally found useful is a free service called Peek, which will allow you to get a video of a real user arriving on your website and offering their unbiased, unedited reaction.

It comes with a warning: you might find it painful to hear what their experts have to say about your website. However, you’re going to find the service very useful and ultimately it will help you improve your website and your business.

I’m not affiliated with this company at all, I just love what they do.

Peek User Testing

What To Read Next

Are you worried about the stress of launching your website? Here are some tips for how to keep it stress-free

Find out the top trends you need to be focused on in 2018 to grow your online business in this post




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