Building An Online Presence With Personality

What a time it is to be alive! The digital age has not only allowed us to stream hours of content into our homes, talk face to face with people on the other side of the planet and order cuisine from around the world with just the tap of a screen, it’s also proven a tremendous boon to those who yearn for the entrepreneurial life. The digital age has transformed the world of small business in a number of ways. Above all, it has provided hard working, ambitious and imaginative people more means than ever through which to build and grow their very own online business. Whether your enterprise exists solely in the digital realm or whether you have a physical presence on the high street or even if you’re just a freelancer working from home it’s essential to build an online presence for your business.

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online presence

Standing out online is essentail to any successful blog and business. Here's how to build a brand with personality that will help your startup to grow #branding #onlinebusiness #entrepreneur

This should be a calling card to prospective customers and clients. It should provide a snapshot of who you are and what you do and show them the quality that they can expect from you. While it may be tempting to cut corners and opt for a low cost website that uses a pre-programmed WordPress template, nothing screams “amateur” in the eyes of the digitally literate. A website that exudes professionalism and personality is always a worthy investment, even for the most overhead conscious of businesses. Here are just a few ways in which you can bring more personality to your online presence…

Video content

As more and more of us consume our digital content on the go through mobile devices, long form content still has its place, but video is increasingly the vehicle of choice for the kinds of busy executives you’ll want on your client list. A professional looking video from can not only showcase your personality and skills, it can also bring a sense of professionalism and polish to your online presence. Even if you’re a little camera shy, the sheer demand for video content dictates that it’s something you should at least try.

Blog… regularly

Blog posts offer prospective customers and clients a valuable insight into how your business works but it can also help to establish you as an expert in your field. Keeping your content factually rich and sharing your wealth of professional experience while also staying engaging, witty and insightful will convince leads that you are worthy of their time, attention and hard earned money. Plus, posting regular content will help to give your search engine visibility a natural boost and gets as many visitors to your website as possible.

Client / customer testimonials

You look after your customers and have a plethora of happy customers or clients who would be only too happy to share their positive experiences with the world. It behoves you to use this to your advantage. Collect and collate customer feedback and put it front and center in your online presence.

Employee testimonials

In these increasingly ‘woke’ times, consumers are voting with their hearts just as much as they are voting with their wallets. They want to give their money to ethical businesses who want to make a difference. Thus, it’s essential that you show them that you care for and value your employees. If you can get some glowing testimonials from them about how great you and your business are to work for, this can go some way to getting ethically aware customers on side.

Reputation is everything in small business. Make sure that your online presence does your justice!

What To Read Next

If you’re getting visitors to your site but no-one is buying, here’s why

Grab my free 5-part list building guide now (no opt-in required)

1 Comment on Building An Online Presence With Personality

  1. Pooja Perelmuter
    November 29, 2019 at 5:04 am (5 years ago)

    These are some incredibly valuable insights. Very well written


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