The Perfect Employee Profile

We would all like the perfect employee, there’s no denying that. But you might look around your shop floor, office, or factory, and wonder if there is one good employee in there. It’s a bosses job to judge their employees based on their work, but if you’re critiquing too high, then you run the risk of driving and good employee away. That’s why we want to draw up the perfect employee profile for you.

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The perfect employee isn’t going to work like a robot. Like every employee they will have their own set of problems. But like every good employee, they will stand out from the crowd, and will be serving your business proudly day in day out. Knowing what the perfect employee profile is can really help you employee the right people in the future as well, rather than wasting your time with someone who is just going to leave your company anyway!

staff small business


Experience is actually really important when it comes to your employees. But don’t let their lack of experience in your specific industry deter you. You need to know that they have experience being hard working, and working under pressure. You can teach someone anything, no matter how long it takes. So having experience doing what you want them to do is something you need to knock right off your list. If you went through companies such as Pure Staff to get your employees, you could let them do the digging and evaluating for you. It would then just be up to you to figure out if they fit your team personality wise. If they have experience in your field of work, then great. But the best people are the ones that don’t have a clue what they’re doing. They’ll be applying for the role because they’re eager to learn, and they’re more likely to take to the job than someone who actually have experience would be!


Commitment is really important, or at least it should be to you. You need to make sure that you’ve got people working for you that aren’t going to turn their back on you. People who you know are going to work hard day in, day out for your company. You wouldn’t believe the number of companies who have such a bad turnover of employees, but it’s not always the employee that’s to blame. If you want a team of loyal people, you’re going to have to make sure you give them a reason to be loyal. Focus on equal pay and treatment, and such a good working environment that they barely want to leave to go home, let alone leave for good!


You want people who are determined to do the best for themselves, and for your company. If they have a drive to take themselves to the top, even if you’ve never made it known that that be possible, then you’re hiring the right employee. A determined employee will forever be hard working, as they’re always trying to work towards something!

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3 Comments on The Perfect Employee Profile

  1. Tlss Denver
    February 26, 2020 at 8:08 am (4 years ago)

    Employees who exhibit leadership qualities are generally the ones that your organization will want to hire and maintain for the long term. Leaders have the potential to move up the corporate ladder, fill future management positions, lead teams, train new members of the team and improve productivity in the workplace. Thank you for this information.

  2. Charles Harris
    April 28, 2020 at 8:56 am (4 years ago)

    Employees with great enthusiasm are the ones that the company needed. Enthusiastic employees will help the company to move to the top. Yes, commitment is very important, you can ensure the loyalty of your employees to you and to the company. Thank you for sharing these ideas!

  3. Davis
    November 25, 2020 at 12:16 pm (4 years ago)

    Great piece. The first for employers to take out of this post is that the perfect employee will never be a ROBOT. If I will add anything to your list of Experience, Commitment and Determined, it will be Flexibility; the business environment is increasing in dynamism, and businesses need professionals with great adaptability.


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