How To Boost Your Pinterest Traffic Using This Simple Free Tool

I recently discovered something hugely interesting about pinterest traffic to my most popular blog post on this website, and I wanted to share this information with you. Why? Because it’s easy to copy, free, and has been a turning point for me in terms of getting regular, high quality traffic.

In this blog post, you’ll learn:

  • Why getting high traffic numbers to your site is more than just good SEO, Pinterest and social media efforts
  • The one thing that separates out my most popular blog post from every other post on this website
  • The free tool that will help you achieve a similar result with your blog posts

My Pinterest Traffic Discovery

Please note this post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure for more information.

interesting! grow your pinterest traffic, google, organic, tools, tips, strategy, blog, blogging, entrepreneur

First, let me start with some background that led to this discovery.

Some of my blog posts have been around for a while, so I have a good idea of what sort of traffic they bring in to the site. A small percentage bring in the lion’s share of the traffic (this is quite common, by the way. If you are struggling with traffic, my advice is to just keep writing more posts. One will hit the jackpot eventually, as it were).

I didn’t actively pin for many months, apart from the odd infographic, so I wasn’t paying much attention to Pinterest as a traffic source. I tended to rely more on organic Google traffic, plus Twitter and Instagram (the latter two via list building).

When I started actively pinning, it wasn’t long before I saw a similar pattern to my Google Analytics: a small number of posts were receiving a far higher number of pins and clicks than the rest.

That’s when I spotted something interesting.

The posts with the highest traffic numbers from Google were also the same posts generating the most traffic from Pinterest. 

So how could this be explained? Well, there’s a simple answer, and it’s this.

High quality headlines. 

Why Good Pinterest Headlines = Traffic Boosts

I really didn’t realised just how important my blog post headlines were until I started pinning. Of course, I’d always taken headlines into consideration, but mainly when it came to using certain keywords for SEO purposes. I’d never really considered headlines from a reader’s perspective. 

But here’s the critical point.

My most popular posts aren’t the ones with headlines optimised for SEO. They are the ones with the best headline.

How do I know what makes a good headline?

The Tool That Will Help You Drive Traffic

I use a free tool that analyses the headline and gives me a score. And guess what? From all my testing on my own blog posts, there is a strong correlation between a high score and a high traffic post i.e. it works! It’s actually brilliant, and since discovering it I have started using on all future blog posts (plus I’ve rewritten some old ones too – see further down for what that’s done to my traffic numbers). 

How To Start Boosting Your Own Pinterest Traffic

The tool is a free analyzer by the Advanced Marketing Institute and you can access it here:

Free Headline Analyzer Tool>>

It’s very easy to start using this to boost your own Pinterest traffic. When you’re writing a blog post, start as you usually do with a brainstorm of titles for your post. Continue adding in any keywords you want to use to help you reach Google traffic.

Once you’ve done that, put the result into the tool. And check the score. If the score is low, keep tweaking the headline until the score improves. Here’s an example taken from when I wrote this blog post. My first headline idea  – “How You Can Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Using This Simple Free Tool” – scored 33%:

pinterest traffic headline 2

I then decided to tweak it and use the word “boost” which I think has a bit more power to it than simply “grow”. That tweak pushed the score up to 41%.

pinterest traffic headline 1

Could I do better? Well, with some tweaks, I discovered that swapping the phrase “how you can” to “how to” gave the score a nice bump. So that’s where I left it – at 45%.

pinterest traffic winning headline

The tool suggests a good headline should be above 30% so I would recommend you aim for that as a starting point, but I will be honest with you: my best posts have scores between 40%-50%. It is hard to get a headline scoring that, but sometimes it’s worth the trial and error until you find a winning title.

What results you should see

Like with any good quality traffic strategy, results are not instantaneous. It takes Pinterest and Google time to send traffic your way as a reward for good content. When I revamped all my headlines on this site it took about 2-3 weeks to start seeing results, but I can tell you that since doing so, my traffic stats are up by 53% in just 3 weeks – I’ll take that!

Other Pinterest Traffic Boosts It’s Worth Knowing About

I could write a lengthy post on all the things that help me when it comes to getting traffic from Pinterest, but it’s probably an eBook in it’s own right (on that subject, check out a recommendation below if it is something you are interested in). However, I will finish off by giving you a couple of other pointers that will help:

  • Firstly, keep experimenting – try different high score headlines on pins for a single blog post, and see which one does the best. The same goes for your pins. Experiment with different images, fonts and colors until you find a winning formula. 
  • Give it a month. In my experience it takes at least a month (usually more) to test a new pin and see how it’s performing.  
  • Make sure you are using good keywords in your Pinterest descriptions. Remember, this should be easy, because Pinterest gives you plenty of recommendations when you type a keyword into the search. Have plenty of high quality keywords in your pin description so Pinterest can find your content. 

I’d love to know how you get on with this tool, so if you give it a try and get some nice results drop me a note in the comments below to tell me – I’m sure other readers will love hearing some success stories too!

What To Read Next

Earlier in the post I told you I would give you a recommendation if you want a proper step-by-step guide to getting traffic from Pinterest, and here is my recommendation. It is a fantastic eBook called Pinteresting Strategies that I used myself to dramatically improve my Pinterest results . It’s written by superstar blogger Carly who has had some amazing Pinterest results that you can read for yourself here

If you’re into SEO, you’ll love this case study from guest blogger Matthew Woodward, where he talks about getting 60k+ visitors per month to a site using Google

7 Comments on How To Boost Your Pinterest Traffic Using This Simple Free Tool

  1. Sarah Jane
    January 16, 2018 at 9:57 am (7 years ago)

    Getting the followers on my website was truly becoming hectic and then I started looking for the automated system which could do the work for me in lesser time and getting to was the best thing. The service by PinPinterest is simply amazing. It has been over 3 months now that I have been using this and getting an exponential rise in the number of visits and followership. The sophisticated artificial intelligence that it uses to automate the pins, comments, web content traffic, is something that I simply love about it and with this, I have also saved a lot of time when it comes to screening the content and picking the right one for the pins as it does it automatically. And now that it supports multiple Pinterest accounts in just one PinPinterest account, no other tool beats it in terms of features…

  2. Louise Myers
    January 16, 2018 at 6:34 pm (7 years ago)

    Interesting. I just tested a headline that scores 78 on CoSchedule and it got a measly 10 on this one. I’d rather go with 78 lol

    Also I tried repeatedly and couldn’t get your CommentLuv to work.

    • Lauren
      January 21, 2018 at 9:30 pm (7 years ago)

      Wow that’s interesting Louise – I’m going to do some cross testing on Coschedule!

  3. Dipak jadhav
    November 5, 2018 at 11:31 am (6 years ago)

    So so impressive article and the tool is really good. I just get a score of nearly 45 for my posted article on blogger but i just adjusted some words and now it reaches to 69. Its a really good tool with some very good features. Thanks a lot for sharing such a good article with great tool. It is really helpful.

  4. Rahul
    November 6, 2018 at 4:16 pm (6 years ago)


  5. Susmita
    September 16, 2019 at 7:31 am (5 years ago)

    Nice article. I have also just posted an infographic. This article is helpful for me

  6. Hitesh Tuladhar
    September 17, 2019 at 5:58 am (5 years ago)

    I really love this article. its really a helpful for everyone and should read once


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