Keeping Warm In The Office

Being in the office through the winter can be pretty depressing, but it can also be especially stressful. It’s not just that the office may be chilly, but when you are sharing space with other people, you all have to agree with the temperature of the space or someone is bound to be uncomfortable.

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Being cold at home is one thing, but arguing about the thermostat at work is quite another. You should take the time to get to know the preferences of everyone around you, and then you can plan accordingly. Sure, the basic office checks and added Spray Foam Insulation are a must, but what about the people who get too hot with the heating on? Or those who can’t get warm no matter what they do. You shouldn’t have to sit and work in the cold, so with the tips below, you’ll be able to have a warm working winter without stress!

Add Extra Layers

Get everyone in the office to bring in a hoodie or a thick cardigan and have it in the drawer beside them. You may have a dressing up policy at work, but thin blouses and suits aren’t too practical for the office when you’re feeling cold. So, if you know that every single person has an extra layer in the office, you know that they are equipped to handle an extra layer if they need it.

Spread The News

As the leader in your business, spreading the news of the local weather forecasts to enable people to get equipped is important. Introduce a separate area for snowy coats and huge winter boots. If people have to bring spares to work, you’ve ensured that no one is getting home with soaking feet and wet clothes.

Extra Heaters

Let’s say the general consensus of the office is that they want it to be comfortable but not hot, what do you do for those who complain that they need it warmer? Well, the best option is small radiators or heaters for under their desks. If you can keep their legs and feet warm they will be more comfortable, and everyone else won’t be sweating in their seats!


You do not need a room full of people with thick gloves on, but you can supply cheap fingerless gloves and then everyone can still use their fingers and type even when they’re feeling cold. Gloves will help to keep the hands warm and they can be removed quickly before meetings and client face-to-face moments.

Hot Water Bottles

Do you know how to be voted the best employer? Keeping a stash of flasks and hot water bottles in a closet is one of the best things that you can do. Keeping your staff in hot drinks that stay hot, and warm comfort with hot water bottles – used safely – will make a big difference to the way that they feel when working with you!

If all else fails, buy in the good coffee from the suppliers. If you can’t warm everyone up, you can make sure that they have a warm drink whenever they want one!

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