How to Increase Exposure Before a Product Launch

Putting in long hours before the launch of a product means that you’d love to see your customers as excited about it as you are. Yet, it doesn’t matter how much you care about the product or how hard you’ve worked at it if nobody really knows that it’s being launched.

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While you’ve probably put some effort into marketing and advertising already, it’s not always enough when you want a product or a service to take off for real. Sometimes, you need to go that extra mile to ensure proper exposure.

Here is a handful of brilliant ways to do exactly this so that everyone can enjoy and rejoice over your new product – and so that your business can experience the kind of success it deserves.

#1 Use video on social media

Sure, you know very well that social media is key to a good marketing strategy. You get to reach out to brand new customers while also communicating with your existing ones in an informal way – and there is no better way to build your brand than through social media.

It’s a good idea to take full advantage of the platforms by also using videos, though, and especially now that you’re about to launch a new product. Your audience will love to interact with your brand through the videos, and you get to promote the product or service by showing them how to actually use it.

Keep in mind that you need to share other things than just your own product on social media, by the way, as those followers might start to lose interest if you push it too much. Help them out in other ways as well, and do your very best to build a community around your brand.

#2 Give out freebies

This is a tried and tested methods, and it works really well when you need to get the word out. Journalists and influencers will be happy to test the new product and create an honest review of it in exchange for a freebie, so make sure that you team up with them as well.

While reaching out to them and getting the review is easy enough, you should take their honest review to heart. If they find something faulty with your product, make sure that you fix this before the product launch – and give them the new and improved version to test afterwards.

That way, you’re making sure that they know how much you care about their opinion as well as showing that you’re doing your very best to fix whatever they dislike.

#3 Go to networking events

All of this is just digital marketing, though, and while it’s important to do this right, you’ll also want to do some offline marketing. Consider investing in some digital advertising screens a few weeks before the product launch as well to ensure the kind of high-quality exposure you’ve been looking for. Now you’ve taken care of your online reputation in addition to the word on the street.

Talking about the word on the street; head off to a few networking events as well to both increase your network and to talk about your new product. Try to not make it overly obvious that you’re there to promote your new product, though, as it may put people off – but meeting new people, and increasing your network has never hurt anyone.

They might even be genuinely interested in trying the new product and may recommend it to others who will also find it useful. It’s worth a shot, in any way, and face-to-face contact is always the best way of doing business.

Bring plenty of business cards, first of all, and prepare yourself by practising to summarise your new product on five short sentences or less. It’s like the elevator-pitch for your product.

The launch of a new product can be really stressful for most people, and especially when we’ve put in so much work. By spreading the word, however, and making sure that everybody knows just how great your product is, you’ll get the kind of success you’ve been looking for.

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