What Should You Outsource As A Small Business?

Does it seem like you spending too much time managing data input? Or stuck on cold leads instead of preparing for the expected expansion of your growing business? Roughly 15% of business owners and staff in management believe that they’re using their skills in the business to their fullest.

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For a small business or entrepreneur, deciding when and what to outsource is an important and very strategic business move. When routine and time-consuming but remedial tasks are taking your time, they should be delegated to free up your time and space for your organization to grow. This allows you to return to where some focus is needed without having to worry about frivolous, but necessary, business processes.

While every business is different, here are six services that make sense to outsource.

Information Technology

It’s now becoming more and more common for businesses to outsource at least a fraction of their IT functions. It’s been proven that fifty-three percent of companies do this. Not only does it help to cut costs it can help to reduce a serious amount of time. It will prevent valuable time being spent on setting up new software, firmware, and updates. It also helps to improve the turnaround if there were ever any system errors. Outsourcing can help to make your business more flexible as it grows.


This is another highly outsourced area of any business with a large number of businesses using managed procurement services. Third-party outsource companies source a wide range of goods and services from a range of raw materials right through to finished products. It’s often the case that a large portion of items that are sourced from low-cost countries and emerging markets in Asia. Outsourcing can simplify an otherwise complex area of business.


This is one of the most commonly outsourced areas of any business, for one it takes up almost a full-time role alone and getting it wrong can make a business turn south very quickly.   you will find that up to 60 percent of smaller businesses still handle this in house. There’s no need. Handing this task off to the professionals or helpful payroll software has been proven to decrease costs and increase compliance. It’s still a good idea to have a little understanding and a hand in the accounts to ensure that you are aware of your business’s status.


Marketing for any business is considered a key and focus area. It is also fast becoming one of the areas that organizations should consider outsourcing. The fact that social media is now proving to be the focal point for many marketing strategies means that outsourcing is becoming more of a necessity than just a choice. With social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook becoming the forefront of marketing it’s no wonder that there is now an abundance of social media marketing managers available to outsource to. By outsourcing, you’re not only making sure you’re using one of the fast-growing marketing ploys you’re also freeing up a considerable amount of time for other important areas within your company.

These are just a few of the areas you should consider outsourcing, is there any that you think should have made their way on to the list? Please share them in the comments section below.

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