Archive of ‘Starting A Business’ category

The Most Successful Content Strategy For Bloggers In 2020

It’s impossible to ignore the importance of content strategy in 2020 if you are looking to grow your blog. A great content strategy that works to bring you an audience can have a massive impact on your business and can mean the difference between running a tiny blog as a hobby and being the owner of a successful high traffic blog that brings you monthly revenue, customers and a solid profit.


4 Types of Industries That Need Screen Printing

Whether or not you realize it, chances are you own at least one screen printed item. From articles of clothing to signs and displays, the screen printing possibilities are endless. Recently, many industries have been hopping on the screen printing trend, proving that tons of different products can benefit from business software for screen printers. To further prove how beneficial this technology can be, here are four industries that need screen printing.


5 Top Tips On Recruiting The Perfect Startup Team

A successful startup isn’t just about the perfect product and fantastic marketing. And it’s not all about money. In fact, one of the most critical aspects to a startup succeeding come down to the quality of the team. If you’re at the point in your journey where you are looking to recruit your first perfect startup team, here are 5 essential tips on how to get the best people for your business.


No Place For The Timid: Bold Self-Promotion Strategies For Entrepreneurs

All entrepreneurs remember that “eureka” moment that placed them on a path to start their own business. Whether they formulated an idea for a new product or improved upon an existing one or whether they simply spotted a gap in the market that had yet to be filled by competing businesses, there’s nothing like the surge of joy and self-belief that comes with knowing that you have the beginning of a viable business idea. As you slowly formulate your business plan and work out your prospective cash flow analyses your excitement mounts and on the day you first open your doors you’re positively brimming with infectious enthusiasm…


How To Create A Website That Truly Reflects Your Brand

There’s nothing worse than going to the DIY store, spending hours picking out the paint color, decorating your room, and then deciding you hate it. You’re reminded of your bad decision every time you go in that room. Why did I choose yellow? What was I thinking? When you create your website, it comes with the same headaches. Get it wrong, and you’ll loathe it every time you enter the URL. But get it right, and you’ll have a brand you can feel proud of. One you can show off to your peers, customers and one that truly reflects the person and business you want to be.


5 Tips For Becoming a Freelance Gardener

Researchers have shown that a few things have a positive influence on our happiness levels. One of them is having pride in our work; another is freedom. One that’s less commonly discussed but which is important is being outdoors; just fifteen minutes of being in nature is enough to boost our mood. So what if there was a job that combined all of these things? Well, there is, as it turns out. Read on to learn the five top tips for becoming a freelance gardener.


Four Big Business Branding Strategies For All

branding strategies

Small businesses look to big companies and see one thing: success. On the whole, they have everything SMEs want, from the money and the fame to the power. Their brand is global whereas yours is starting off and struggling. Do you seek guidance, though? No, because it’s tempting to see huge corporations as out of reach. There is nothing to learn when you are playing in different divisions. An Apple strategy isn’t going to work for a local corner shop.


Starting an online business soon? Here are my predictions for how to succeed in 2018

how to succeed starting an online business in 2018

The online business world in 2018 can feel like a tough gig sometimes. No sooner have you mastered a strategy to market your website, the goalposts change. Suddenly there’s a new tool/strategy/social media platform on the horizon that you *have* to learn. Doesn’t it sometimes feel like you are forever playing catch up?

I wanted to use this post to help entrepreneurs get away from that shiny object syndrome, whilst still acknowledging tactics that will work now – in 2018 – rather than in a good old days of the internet (when was that exactly?).

So here are my predictions for what is going to help your business succeed this year; solid proven, strategies that will help you avoid the fads and trends that can set you off path.

How Start A Profitable Blog: Simple Steps To Take Today

profitable blog

You’ve probably heard about the bloggers that have made a career out of their blog. Some claim to be earning twice the amount than they would at their regular nine to five job. You’ve also probably wondered how they have achieved such success. And how you can actually make money from starting your own blog. The short answer is yes, it’s more than possible to quit your nine to five and start a profitable job, and here’s how.


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